Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Activity Breeds Productivity

Some call it an aura, others call it a success attitude or the law of attraction. Call it what you like—I simply believe that when you are consciously and productively engaged in doing activities that generate business, you radiate a feeling of success, and when that happens success begins to follow you.

Agents who have little or no business and are stuck in “analysis paralysis” give off a sense of desperation and neediness. Without knowing it, the “I’m desperate, please list with me” feeling is communicated without words. In order to be successful today, we need to change the non-verbal message we are sending to the people around us. The easiest way to do that comes from being engaged in activities that produce results! If you are struggling today, maybe it’s not just that the market is bad. Oh, sure, that’s still a relevant factor—no question about it. But if you’re still doing business like it is 1995 –then those strategies just flat won’t work. If you haven’t made the necessary changes to compete and to grow you’re going to be left behind. I see so many agents who have taken classes on short sales, even receiving certifications and special designations, but haven’t yet implemented any new behaviors. Today, you must change, adapt, learn and every day go after that business with an attitude of success!

Creating a successful disposition is not difficult but it does require you to start doing things different every day. Here are a few activities that will help you breed the productivity that you truly desire and attract new business to you:

Get up every day and dress for success. The way you feel about yourself and how you look matters. Getting dressed to meet with clients will begin to prepare you for the clients you have not even met yet.

Talk positively to yourself and others. Use phrases like “I am going to get a new listing today”, or “I am the best agent on the planet and I will prospect until I find 2 new clients this morning.” Phrases like these, when spoken out loud and with enthusiasm, begin to have an effect on you and people around you. After awhile you begin to believe that positive self talk! Conversely, negative self talk will have the opposite result. For example, if you whine and complain about why you don’t have any business, you will start to doubt yourself AND as you project that aura of doubt, others will doubt your ability just as you do. Positive self talk is critical in creating a success aura.

Visualize your success. This is different than just talking to yourself and saying “I am a winner.” The process of visualization is closing your eyes and actually seeing yourself with that success. Imagine how you will feel, what kind of clients you will work with, what kind of new car you will drive, how you will look when you achieve that success. The more specific your visualization is the greater your chance of success.

Last night while watching the Winter X Games I noticed the gold medal winner prior to his run on the “Big Air” snowboarding ramp. He had his goggles on, but was completely tuned out to everything going on around him as he prepared for his jump. I could see him twisting his body, bending his knees over and over again mimicking his motions and moves that he was about to make in the air. Without a doubt he was visualizing his success, seeing his landing and celebrating winning the gold medal before he even started down the ramp. Seconds later he took off doing double flips and amazing acrobatics in the air and received a perfect score of 50, winning the gold medal. This practice of visualization has been used by professional athletes and professional business people for years and continues to be a critical component of success.

Prospect every day. However, you can’t just visualize your success, you must take action and practice getting business. If you are struggling and business is poor, your time each day should be spent doing activities that will produce real business. I strongly suggest prospecting for a minimum of 3 hours a day. This will require you to get out of your comfort zone and do things that you don’t love to do, activities that you find really hard to do. If it were easy, every agent would prospect! This is your opportunity to shine and start doing something most agents are not willing to do. By doing focused prospecting every day, you will begin to generate business and your financial situation will begin to change, making it easier for you to continue.

I challenge you to follow these four steps and watch what begins to happen in your life and business. You will attract motivated people and your disposition will change. Business will find you and it may not even be as a direct result of the prospecting activities you are doing. When you get engaged in income producing activities, you will generate more income.
Remember to get up and dress for success, say something positive to yourself, visualize becoming a top producer and closing more business, and then get to work to make it happen. These activities will create productivity and you will succeed at a level you have never experienced before.

Author Information
Verl Workman
Verl Workman is the national technology speaker/trainer that stands out as #1 when it comes to showing companies and their sales associates how to make money using today’s technology. For information contact the FrogPond at

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