The power of video blogging
NEW YORK – Nov. 21, 2011 – Vlogging, or video blogging, could become more popular than blogging. With YouTube reporting 2 billion views daily, businesses are recognizing the value of posting short videos on a variety of topics. However, experts say useful content – not ads – is what attracts viewers.
Vancouver real estate agent Ian Watt goes beyond posting videos of his listings and provides information deemed valuable by homeowners – and he prefers vlogging and social media marketing over flyers and cold calls.
To ensure that videos rank toward the top of search pages, experts say agents should include their city in their video descriptions.
Source: “The Power of Video Blogging” Business Insider (11/14/11)
Blogging is out. Video blogging is in.
Also called vlogging, video blogging allows anyone with a YouTube account and a video camera to post their thoughts on anything from the latest fashions to foreign policy. In a time when the mass public turns to TV news instead of newspapers and movies instead of books, video blogging looks to take over where blogging left off. But how can your business harness the power of this technology?
For years, marketing experts touted the importance of a regularly updated blog on business websites. This provided fresh content that would not only keep visitors coming back, but kept a site high in search rankings. As YouTube grew in popularity, camera-friendly individuals turned to video blogging as a way to express their opinions and thoughts. As it grew, corporations and marketing gurus began to realize the power behind posting short, informational videos on one of the most popular social networking sites.
It’s impossible to ignore the importance of YouTube, a site that boasts two billion views per day, according to the site. This is “nearly double the prime-time audience of all three major U.S. television networks combied,” according to YouTube. The key for small businesses is directing a chunk of those two billion daily views to their posted content, which means merely posting ads for services will not cut it. Businesses have to find a way to post video blogs that will provide content users need.
Social media coach Jeff Bullas points to a few video blogging success stories as examples, including Vancouver real estate agent Ian Watt, who eschewed traditional real estate marketing practices such as flyers and cold calls in favor of social media marketing. Watt is considered a leader in the Vancouver real estate market, ranking in the top one percent of members of the Greater Vancouver Real Estate Board. Watt doesn’t just show his properties on YouTube, as many video bloggers do, he provides valuable information for home owners and buyers that prompt YouTubers to watch.
If you’re a computer repair shop, provide valuable tech tips. If you own a bridal shop, do a series of informational videos for brides-to-be. The key is to use specific titles, such as, “How to change a toner cartridge” or “How to choose a bridal veil.” Introduce yourself at the beginning of the video and include a shot of the outside of your shop, as well as the address, at the end. Be prepared for the possibility that many of your visits may come from out-of-towners, but you’ll still be getting your name out there. To help bring locals to your site, be sure to put your city in your video description somewhere. This will help it show up in searches if someone, for example, types in “Vancouver real estate.”
There’s no denying video blogging is here to stay. With so many videos to choose from, it’s important for businesses to provide valuable content that will drive YouTube members to their YouTube channel
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