Did you know that every successful professional has one thing in common? They all possess a strong level of emotional resilience. Were they born with it? No. In most cases they learned it as a skill necessary for survival in business.
What is emotional resilience? It is the ability to quickly return to a state of poise, confidence and ease no matter what curves are thrown your way.
Here are seven steps to gaining emotional resilience:
1. Have a high level of belief in yourself:
Know that whatever happens, you are offering something to the marketplace that is extremely valuable. Know your uniqueness and communicate it clearly.
2. Have solid boundaries:
You don’t need emotional walls in business, but you do need to set and maintain solid boundaries. This especially includes the ability to say “no.”
3. Always go for a win/win:
Give yourself permission to know what you want and go for it. Make sure it is a win/win. Rule of thumb: If the interaction is not going to be a win/win, refuse to be involved in it.
4. Keep an attitude of high intention and low attachment:
When you’re in negotiation, you need to be strong and assertive with a high intention to succeed. It may sound paradoxical, but you must also be detached from the outcome, knowing that you did your best.
5. Remain focused on the task and keep your emotions in check:
In your personal life, live it up! Have a ball! Allow yourself to laugh, cry and get angry. In your business life, however, keep cool and keep your emotions in check. This will make it easier for you to attend to the task at hand.
6. Stop trying to make your clients into your friends:
If you really want to be emotionally resilient, don’t create dual relationships. They tempt you to get emotionally involved and then take everything personally. To be resilient, you need to stay impersonal, centered and calm.
7. Create positive self-talk:
Don’t let your Inner Critic run the show. Develop the voice of your Inner Ally so that you are always tuned into positive self-talk. You’ll hear statements like: “Good Job” or “Don’t sweat the small stuff.”
How good are you at keeping your Inner Critic at bay and filling your mind with positive self-talk like “I’m proud of myself for…?”
Dr. Maya Bailey, Multiple 6 Figure Income Business Coach for Real Estate Professionals, integrates her 20 years of experience as a psychologist with 15 years of expertise in marketing. Her powerful transformational work creates a Success Formula for Real Estate Professionals ready to create a Multiple 6 Figure Income. To get your free report: “7 Simple Strategies to More Clients in 90 Days” and to apply for an Initial Complimentary Consultation, go to www.90daystomoreclients.com.
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