4 Ways to Get Buyers Talking
1. Learn about their circumstances. To be a true partner, you must understand buyers’ problems and goals. Are buyers sad about the move? Do they regret that they can’t afford a bigger place? Do they have to move on a tight time frame? Ask them about their reasons for moving and help them set priorities. You may have to dig deep to find out what buyers really want in a home. It’s never smart to assume what they want.
2. Ask to see their list. Most buyers have a pretty good idea of what they like before they really start looking. At one of the first meetings, ask buyers to see a list of the homes that piqued their interest on the Web and, with each listing, ask what about the home makes it special. Find common attributes of the homes, and ask questions about inconsistencies to clarify their preferences.
3. Know their deal-killers. No central air? No attached garage? Some things just aren’t negotiable. But customers aren’t always forthcoming about their pet peeves, which can prolong the home search and frustrate everyone. Practitioners should ask buyers up front what features their new home must have or must not have.
4. Show them something they don’t know about. When searching for a home that fits perfectly with buyers’ needs, don’t just rely on the low-hanging fruit. Prove your value and demonstrate that you’re really listening to buyers’ needs by doing some investigative work to find good matches for them. Use your networking skills and scour public records to find properties with potential.
Source: Dennis Cahill, marketing director with AdWriter Inc., a Sandusky, Ohio-based company that creates software for writing real estate advertising copy.
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