Life is time… are you making it count? If your daily activities are taking you in the direction of your dreams then you are making it count. If you are living your life on purpose then you are making it count. To make your life count, you must live on purpose. Otherwise, you are living someone else's dreams and goals.
Have you thought about what you want out of life and how you will make it happen? Follow this simple and easy process to determine your life's dreams. Each and every day evaluate what you are doing and how it will help you accomplish what you really want out of life. There is no dress rehearsal in life; this is the real thing. Today is the day and now is the time to begin your journey to success.
Begin by taking the time to learn more about yourself. Set aside approximately four hours to complete the following personal and professional strategic planning guide. One key point to remember is the definition of success is determined by you. Enjoy your journey!
1. Strengths - list at least twenty of your strengths
2. Successes- go back as early as you can in childhood and write down all of the successes you have had in life
3. Learning Experiences - write down all of learning experiences you have had throughout life and why you are better because of them
4. Purpose in:
a. life - what is your bottom line reason for living
b. career -- what is your bottom line reason for working
5. Mission in:
a. life - what is the talk you walk
b. career - what is the talk you walk
Now relax--close your eyes and go on a mental journey. You are in a movie theater looking at the big white screen. The movie begins and the title is, "The Life of___________________________," and it’s your name. Yes, this is the movie of your life. It is the last day of your life and you will hear what people say about you as you leave this world. The words you hear will confirm that you did, indeed live your life with your purpose in mind. You will see all the places you went, things you did, material possessions you had and the person you became.
Remember when viewing the movie of your life you are only limited by your own imagination. Also, only look inside yourself for your dreams, remove all the "ought to’s" and "should have’s" from your mind. This movie it is unusual because it begins on the last day of your life and ends today. The day you are creating your dreams. You see, your experiences up to this day have already happened and can not be changed; however the future is yours to create.
Watch your movie and when you finish write down those accomplishments on your dream list. Break your dream list into the following categories:
a. personal dreams - what you do just for you
b. family dreams
c. career dreams
d. financial dreams
e. social dreams
f. health dreams
spiritual dreams
Now that you have allowed yourself to dream, you have the ideas and thoughts needed to set your goals. The most important thing to consider at this time is your purpose in life. This will enable you to avoid major conflicts in the different areas within which you work and live.
Before actually setting your goals you need to determine if they are prioritized, realistic, long term, or short term. The final step in setting your goals is that you must be willing to put your goals in writing -- IN PEN! It make them a little harder to erase this way.
Life is time… and now you too can make it count. Success is determined by you. Follow the steps I have given you and enjoy the success you deserve!
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